1:1 VIP Premium Package includes:

  • 1 - 90-minute VIP day/ Intensive / Getting to Know YOU 

  • 1 - 60-minute 1:1 call/month 

  • 3 - 60-minute SOS calls [schedule as needed]

  • 4 - LIVE weekly 60-90 minute group educational call and live question & answer at the end (see below).

    • 1 - 60-minute meeting with a master’s degree dietician. Kelli Kratt MS, RD, CD is a wealth of knowledge regarding nutrition. She will offer an abundance of cancer-related topics including, but not limited to symptom management… What we put into our bodies, we get out of them. 

    • 1 - 60-minute meet with an empowerment transformation alchemist. Nicole Majik has a unique gift to assist you with transforming your past into a brighter future. This magical experience will blow you away, so get ready.

    • 1 - 30-60 minute yoga/meditation/sound healing. You will be guided in practicing yoga, meditation, and sound healing. These are much-needed practices that are underutilized. Practice makes perfect.

    • 1 - 60 minute meet and greet call with other cancer clients. It’s nice to be able to connect with others and support one another through community.

  • Access to educational recordings to watch and learn at your leisure.

  • Access to Weekly Office Hours:  2 hours open to all clients

  • Access to your cancer experience guide for quick questions and answers. [Voxer, text, email. Monday-Friday, 9-5]

  • Access to special Sparkling Survivor discounts (with valuable resources)

  • You will also receive a WELCOME care package.

What if I’m not interested in the core options listed? Additional options (where services available):  Sound Healing, Massage, Reiki, Equine/Dog Therapy, Writing/Art Therapy.  We are able to customize with your interests in mind.

With package purchases, 10% will be donated to one of our nonprofit partners

One time
For 6 months

Invest in yourself (or your loved one) and your cancer success!

So, what happens when the 6 month package time is up?

We at Sparkling Survivor value the connection and relationship that has been built. So, we plan to be available, as needed, for an additional one year at no additional charge.  This includes:

  • Access to educational recordings to watch and learn at your leisure

  • Access to Weekly Office Hours:  2 hours open to all clients 

  • Access to your Cancer Experience Guide for quick questions and answers 

  • Access to special Sparkling Survivor discounts (with valuable resources)