Freezin’ for a Reason
Winter Masquerade, “Freezin’ for a Reason,” took place at 7:00 pm, Saturday, Jan. 24, 2015, at The Cove Bar in Milton, WI.
Winter Masquerade, “Freezin’ for a Reason,” is the brainstorm of oncology nurse Shelley Weber-Schaitel.
Weber-Schaitel, a Fort Atkinson native, works in the chemotherapy clinic at Mercy Hospital in Janesville.
Proceeds from the event will be taken to the St. Germain Radar Run. Weber-Schaitel and her husband, Jeremy, have been snowmobiling for more than 15 years. While the radar run at the end of the month benefits St. Germain civic groups, its primary benefactor is the Pink Ribbon Riders.
It’s through the St. Germain Radar Run that Weber-Schaitel learned about the Pink Ribbon Riders. Pink Ribbon Riders provides direct financial assistance to both men and women diagnosed with breast cancer. The non-profit organization currently helps residents who live in Wisconsin and six other states. Funds stay in the state where they are raised.
Once Weber-Schaitel had the idea to participate in the St. Germain event, she said it just “snowballed” from there.
Though Weber-Schaitel has a competitive side, she said she wants to raise funds for the competition not because her snowmobile is fast, but because it’s a way to help cancer patients in Wisconsin.
As an oncology nurse, Weber-Schaitel said she sees people at the most vulnerable points of their life.
“You don’t really realize how some people miss living life, and then you see someone else (a cancer patient) fight to live,” she said. “It’s very humbling and it reminds you, ‘we’re not promised tomorrow.’ We can sometimes take for granted all the moments that we have with loved ones, friends and even neighbors.”
Every day she said she learns from her patients. Since their diagnosis with cancer, their “normal” has changed. She said they just learn to go with the flow and take each day as it comes. Some patients receive treatments up to eight hours long.
During this time, staff and patients become close to one another. “Lots of paths cross that never would have otherwise,” she said.
The masquerade event is another way that will bring people together.